Call: mosaic@volancy
Definition: An indicator of whether a species is volant or non-volant (i.e., able to fly or not).
Possible values, cat., factor
- Volant – the species is volant
(Most Birds (Class Aves), all Bats (Order Chiroptera), and some invertebrate species)
- Non-volant – the species is non-volant
- Semi-volant – the species has gliding abilities
(e.g., Gliding lizards (Draco spp.); flying squirrels such as the Northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus); flying fish (Exocoetidae); gliding frogs such as Wallace’s flying frog (Rhacophorus nigropalmatus); and gliding ants such as Cephalotes atratus).
- NF – volancy reviewed and inconclusive (no affirmative records found upon review)
- NDY – volancy unknown/not yet evaluated
- NA – not applicable
Usage Notes: NA
Additional Information: NA
Source Data: NA
Last updated: 24 January 2022