Call: mosaic@modedisp
Definition: An indicator of the mode of dispersal of the species (plant and animal specific terminology).
Possible values: cat., factor
- Motile – the dispersal of animal species without assistance
- Phoretic – the dispersal of animal species by attaching to another animal
- Water currents – the dispersal of animal species by water
- Motile and water currents – animal species that disperse without assistance and by water, both forms of dispersal can occur within the same life stage or can occur in different life stages
- Anemochory – the dispersal of plant seeds by wind
- Anthropochory – the dispersal of plant seeds by humans
- Autochory – the dispersal of plant seeds without assistance from an external vector (e.g., by gravity or ballistic dispersal)
- Hydrochory – the dispersal of plant seeds by water
- Zoochory – the dispersal of plant seeds by animals
- Anemochory and Anthropochory – plant seeds can be dispersed by wind and humans
- Anemochory and Autochory – plant seeds can be dispersed by wind and without the help of an external vector
- Anemochory and Hydrochory – plant seeds can be dispersed by wind and water
- Anemochory and Zoochory – plant seeds can be dispersed by wind and animals
- Autochory and Hydrochory – plant seeds can be dispersed without the help of an external vector and by water
- Autochory and Zoochory – plant seeds can be dispersed without the help of an external vector and by animals
- Hydrochory and Zoochory – plant seeds can be dispersed by water and animals
- Autochory, Anthropochory and Zoochory – plant seeds can be dispersed without the help of an external vector, by humans and by animals
- NF – mode of dispersal reviewed and inconclusive (no affirmative records found upon review)
- NDY – mode of dispersal unknown/not yet evaluated
- NA – not applicable
Usage Notes: Plant seed dispersal modes can be subdivided into further categories, however we collated lower order categories into the higher order categories identified here
Additional Information: NA
Source Data: NA
Last updated: 24 January 2022