Frequently Asked Questions:
MOSAIC database?
Mosaic can be downloaded here as an S4 object or database file.
Where does MOSAIC get its data?
Mosaic aggregates its data from a combination of databases and primary research. Differentiating records between primary (new) data and secondary (database) data can be done by parsing the database by the “database” attribute or the “mosaic” attribute field. More information can be found in the user guide.
How do I cite MOSAIC?
(forthcoming) Bernard, C., Santos, G., Deere, J., Rodriguez-Caro, R., Capdevila, P., Kusch, E., Gascoigne, S., & Salguero-Gómez. 2022. MOSAIC: A Unified Trait Database to Complement Structured Population Models.
Does MOSAIC have an Application Programming Interface (API)?
Not yet. Currently, MOSAIC is distributed in a staged, version-controlled format as a .csv and S4 format. Previous versions of the database will be archived on the website. Follow our social media for updates on the latest release. The current version of MOSAIC is v 1.0.0.
Is MOSAIC open-access?
Yes. MOSAIC is an open access database for you to use and publish with proper attribution to MOSAIC and its composite database
If your question is not addressed above, please get in touch with us: