Call: mosaic@regen
Definition: Capacity for an individual to regenerate any substantial part of its body, including autotomy. Autotomy is defined as “The voluntary severance by an animal of a part of its body (commonly one of its own limbs), usually to escape capture by a predator that has seized that part. The part then regrows.”
Possible values, cat., factor
- Regenerative – individuals are capable of regenerating
- Non-regenerative – individuals do not exhibit the capacity to regenerate tissues
- NF - regenerative abilities reviewed and inconclusive (no affirmative records found upon review)
- NDY - regeneration information not digitised yet (yet to be evaluated)
- NA – regenerative abilities not applicable to the subject area
Usage notes: There are a number of more resolved schemes for detailing whether regenerating different parts of the body. For particular questions pertaining to the nature of injury, the level of recovery, the role of depredation, and the consequences for reproduction, more detail may be appropriate. This dataset covers the most general applications and initially screens for regenerative capability (from poor recovery of appendages to complete regeneration of limbs).
Additional Information: NA
Source Data: NA
Last updated: 24 January 2022