Call: mosaic@seqherm
Definition: Indicator of whether there is a sex switch during the organism's lifespan.
Possible values, cat., factor
- Protogynous – species is protogynous: organisms that are female and at some point in their lifespan change sex to male.
- Protandrous – species is protandrous: organisms that are male and at some point in their lifespan change sex to male.
- NF - Protogyny/Protandry reviewed and inconclusive (no affirmative records found upon review)
- NDY - Protogyny/Protandry not digitised yet (yet to be evaluated)
- NA – Protogyny/Protandry is not applicable to the subject area.
Usage notes: NA
Additional Information: Note that is not rare flowers present protogyny/protandry but this was not considered in Mosaic so far
Source Data: NA
Last updated: 24 January 2022