Aquatic Habitat Dependency
Call: mosaic@aquadep
Definition: An indicator of the acquaitc habitat dependency of a species.
Possible values, cat., factor
- Anadromous—Species exhibits behavior of most of the lifecycle occurs in the sea/marine environment, but then migrate to fresh water to spawn (e.g. salmon and lamprey)
- Catadromous— Species exhibits migratory behavior in which most of the lifecycle occurs in fresh water but that migrate to the sea in order to breed there (e.g. Anguilla anguilla (common eel) which breeds in the Sargasso Sea)
- Potamodromous—Species exhibit large migrations exclusively in freshwaters.
- Estuarine/Brackish—Species habitat is estuarian waters (interface of freshwater and marine).
- Freshwater, Lentic—Species habitat is freshwater habitat characterized by calm or standing water r (e.g. lakes, ponds, swamps, and bogs).
- Freshwater, Lotic—Species habitat is freshwater habitat characterized by running water, e.g. springs, rivers, and streams.
- Freshwater, Mixed–Species habitat is a mixture of lentic and lotic environments.
- Marine—Species habitat is oceanic.
- Ontogenically Dependent—Species is ontogenetically/developmentally dependent on water (e.g., amphibians).
- Terrestrial, Facultative Freshwater Dependent—Species is dependent on water periodically
- Terrestrial, Facultative Marine Water Dependent—Species is dependent on marine environments periodically
- Terrestrial, Obligative Freshwater Dependent—Species is dependent on freshwater to carry out lifecycle
- Terrestrial, Obligative Marine Water Dependent –Species is dependent on marine water to carry out lifecycle
- Terrestrial, Water habitat independent—Species can carry out its lifecycle in the absence of surface water
Usage Notes: NA
Additional Information: NA
Source Data: NA
Last updated: 24 January 2022